Over the last 15 years, the communication field has witnessed a greater volume of measurable change driven by technology, than in the 19th and 20th century combined. Driving this revolution in communication is the explosive growth of the web and internet capable smart phones. The growth of global communications has collapsed political, personal and geographical boundaries in a manner that has never been seen before in human history. Making consumers, products and messaging closer than ever before. The communication spectrum now allows us to be a part of communities that allows us to shares common goals and values.
The key to building momentum for a movement is building a community of likeminded individuals. This is done through sharing ideas and asking them to join the community. These groups can be themed through banner ads, social media invitations, Tele Town Hall campaigns, direct mail, calling campaigns and media promotions. The goal is to get the group to follow a common theme and send them daily updates to keep them engaged.
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