Tele-Town Hall
One of the most effective ways to communicate and engage a demographic that may have a special interest. This community is often attracted to a leader that they respect. Exclusive interaction with a well-known leader can develop this community quickly. This method works especially well with higher income constituents.
Relationships are built on live not electronic communication. Members have a place to offer their opinions and express their concerns. It is all about interaction. This is an exclusive community that has influence and the ability to invest their resources back into the community.

For a sample of a tele-town hall, feel free to call this toll free number:
Experiance. Innovation. Results
ISMG has conferencing technology used to connect large affinity groups for ‘call to action’ platforms, special announcements, sales, and promotional engagements. We can host up to 100,000 people simultaneously. To maximize attendance, the conference requires a person that the audience will recognize. Our typical engagement ranges from 10 to 40% participation of the database that we reach out to.
The conference format is similar to a radio talk show; a host with several guests discussing the topic or need. ISMG would suggest utilizing a high profile pastor that utilizes the product. Calls generally last one hour. The program is scripted to maximize involvement and listener retention.
The host will ask for listener participants to call in and ask questions of the panel. We recommend a special price offer to bait response. Participants can also go Online and answer survey questions prompted by the host.
The host will receive live data to report back to listeners. The host will also notify listeners that they can exit to a live operator at any time to place an order. Callers that do not respond can be called soon after the conference is completed by an outbound sales agent.
With a good panel and offer, a closing rate can be as high as 35 to 40%. ISMG sends a ‘save the date’ notice to all participants a minimum of one week before the conference takes place. We send a second reminder the day before.